Welcome to Play Action International, formerly East African Playgrounds in the UK. Read about our rebrand.

Group of people talking by a tree


There are so many incredible statistics about the power of play. Some of our favourite statistics focusing on education, learning and employment have been sourced from Playground Ideas’ brilliant research review: The Case for Play. Their review, focusing on disadvantaged children and families across the world, found that where play-based learning initiatives were implemented:

Indeed, at a return of nearly $8 per $1 invested in play-based interventions for children born into poverty (World Bank, World Development Report 2015) – play should be at the heart of every humanitarian and international development strategy.

On a day to day level, play also has a huge impact on teaching and children’s learning and development. Our own research has found that in primary schools where we implement playground and play-based learning programmes:

And in Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres:

Over the next few years we look forward to further developing our Monitoring & Evaluation systems to better understand the long-term impact and benefit of play on the lives of disadvantaged children.