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Play is what children naturally do to become well-adjusted individuals and unleash their potential. Discover some of the different ways that play profoundly impacts children’s day to day life and their future.

Child Development

Child Development

Play is an essential part of childhood and is critical to child development. It supports the cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being of children. Play is especially important during the early years (0-8 years of age), because this is the period in life when the brain develops most rapidly and has a high capacity for change – laying the foundation for health and well-being throughout life. Indeed, play is so important to a child development that it is enshrined in Article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child…

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Play-Based Learning

Play-Based Learning

Many people assume that play is a frivolous activity but yet play-based learning is a hugely effective and sustainable approach to education. Play provides children with a rich context for learning through which they can make sense of their world. During play children try new things, solve problems, invent, create, test ideas, explore and discover. Play-based learning has been shown to improve a child’s IQ and help them develop a wide range of skills – such as problem solving, language development and social skills – that support academic achievement. Incorporating play in education, especially in environments where educational resources are limited, helps children consolidate and apply knowledge, rather than just absorb information.

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Childhood should be a magical time. A time where children can feel safe to form secure attachments, explore their world and develop healthy foundations for the future. Yet for many children – especially those who experience displacement, conflict, war, bereavement, poverty, hunger, abuse, violence and exploitation or even witness the suffering of others – it can be a source of significant trauma. When a child experiences trauma, their brain literally changes its structure to enable the child to respond to any future threats.

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Impact Stats

Impact Stats

Did you know that the provision of play-based initiatives can increase the average monthly earnings of an individual, over 20 years, by 42%? Or that for every $ invested in play based interventions for pre-school children born in poverty that there is an 8x rate of return? Play is serious business!

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