Welcome to Play Action International, formerly East African Playgrounds in the UK. Read about our rebrand.


We are extremely hopeful that our volunteer trips will go ahead in 2021, and that you will be able to have one of the BEST Summers of your life!

We have over 10 years’ experience safely delivering life-shaping experiences for volunteers including during several Ebola outbreaks and national elections! All of our activities are risk assessed and insured, and once out in Uganda you will be supported by our highly experienced, local team.

Uganda currently has one of the lowest rates of COVID-19 infection and mortality in the world. Where the UK is currently 9th highest the world in terms of total number of country cases with 942,275, Uganda stands at 206th with 11,767 cases (out of the 128 countries being monitored). In terms of total number of deaths, UK is currently 5th in the world with 45,675 deaths, and Uganda is 122nd with 106 deaths. For the total number of cases per million population, the UK stands at 39th (13,856 cases per million), with Uganda at 187th (255 cases per million). Numbers correct as of 29/10/2020.

If for whatever reason the safety of our volunteers or the communities we serve comes into question, or there continue to be international travel restrictions, we will postpone your trip to the following year. Your registration fee as well as all of the money you fundraise will be carried over, and you’ll have a whole extra year to reach and exceed your fundraising target!

Even if our volunteer projects have to be postponed, the charity will continue doing its vital work across Africa whilst prioritizing the safety of our Ugandan team and the communities we work in, as long as the government allows.

We are committed to ensuring you will be able to stay clean and safe when out in Uganda. We are currently going back to playgrounds we’ve built across Uganda and installing hand-washing facilities to help children and communities reduce the spread of COVID-19. These facilities will be installed at each playground we build from now on, and strict sanitization measures will be put in place on project.

Our team in the UK and Uganda are constantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation and guidance to ensure that we can keep you up to date with everything you need to know. If you have any other concerns or want to chat things through, we’re here for you!

Travel Advice – Elections

Protests are common in the run up to the election which takes place in January 2021. As you may have seen in the media, there have been outbreaks of unrest. We have been operating in Uganda for 10+ years and are confident that by the time the trips take place, the situation will have been resolved.

We follow the foreign commonwealth office advice on travel within the country, of which we will keep you up to date if this causes any changes to your project. Uganda is still a safe and welcoming country to travel to which will host your volunteer project next Summer. 

If there are any changes to the situation in Uganda which will affect your volunteering project, then you will be informed at the earliest opportunity. We will continue to monitor the situation as the safety and security of our staff and volunteers remains paramount. 

We recommend you continue to fundraise and plan for your trip. We are here to support you and answer any questions you may have.